Need ideas for things to do with your kid/s?
So, you’re new to the kid game, or perhaps are in town with your family, or old to the kid game and just need some fresh ideas for what to do with the children in tow. Cool, we gotcha covered.
The Thinkery
Austin’s premier children/s musuem. It’s located in Mueller and is quite the hands on experience for the kids. Great place to go for a good time and especially fantastic during the summer when it’s too damn hot.
Zilker Park
Let um roam and run free! Well, free and supervised. There’s a playground just outside of Barton Springs if that’s not your jam or it’s closed
Bullock Texas State History Museum
We were skeptical of how much our kid would enjoy this place, but, he loved it. We were fans already, so no need to persuade, but there’s enough here to capture the attention of a toddler all the way up to teens.